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Motor Insurance
Motor Insurance
Product Disclosure Statement
Home Insurance
Home Insurance
Product Disclosure Statement
Key Fact Sheets
Target Market Determination
Landlord Insurance
Landlord Insurance
Product Disclosure Statement
Key Fact Sheets
Target Market Determination
Caravan and Trailer Insurance
Caravan and Trailer Insurance
Product Disclosure Statement
Target Market Determination
Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance
Frequently asked questions
A Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) explains what you are and aren’t covered for, what are insured events, any applicable claim limits, all policy exclusions, and the claims process. The PDS is designed to help you decide if an insurance product is what you need. There may also be a Supplementary PDS (SPDS) included with the PDS which updates the PDS. For example, an SPDS may be provided that replaces the Duty of Disclosure with the Duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation.
A key fact sheet provides a summary of some of what is and isn’t covered by a Home or Landlord policy. It also sets out some of the events that are and aren’t covered. For full details of the conditions, limits, and exclusions on all our cover options always refer to the PDS.
A Target Market Determination (TMD) describes the class of customers for which the products described in a PDS have been designed for, including the key attributes of those products and the customers who are eligible for it. A TMD doesn’t replace the terms and conditions, or the disclosures made, in a PDS. Always refer to the PDS before deciding to buy an insurance cover.